Then I cut out enough netting circles to go over every circle (flower). I used netting that was very stiff & with the bigger holes. Mine is black but you could do any color really.

After I placed everything exactly where I wanted it - I slide my small cutting board in between the front and back of the shirt and pinned it all down. You know so as not to pin the back of the shirt to the front. Can't very well get your body into a shirt that is sew'n shut. Now, if I had thought about it ahead of time and hadn't been so anxious to just start cutting. Typical Jen! I would have first ironed the different fabric to fusible web and then cut the shapes. Then I could have just ironed them to my shirt, but I didn't and this worked too. So no need to go buy fusible web.

Now it's time to stitch them on. Don't forget to put your jersey needle in. Makes sewing on knit sew much easier & neater. I used my freemotion foot for the circles (drop those feed dogs )so that I wouldn't have to turn and turn and turn the shirt. A regular foot would have worked wonderfully and that is what I used on the leaves. Loved the look of the skirt and so I went with that and sewed X's in the middle of each one and then one or two circles around that.

Here's a look at the leaves stitched up.

After I got everything sewed down, I played around with the vine that all my little flowers were growning on. First I thought I would use this black ribbon with white stitches through it. Wasn't exactly what I wanted .

So I decided to hand stitch the vine with floss. I liked white the best for my design. It just gave it that pop that I wanted. Does your floss look like mine does. I wish I was a neat freak but sadly I am not. Somebody tell me your floss looks like this. Anybody! Now use a water soluble pen to draw out the lines or a chalk pencil for darker shirts.

Walla, you have a fun "new-ish" shirt to wear on your hot date with your hubby. (that's what i did anyway) Or just wear it to clean your house and hold your babies -knit shirts are my go-to shirt for everyday wear. Dream up something cute or feel free to copy mine. OH and I did put a bit of fray block on the satiny fabric but I do like a bit a fraying. I would love to see what you come up with. By the way, I already started next weeks project to share and it's another shirt makeover so, come back and see me. Feel free to Follow me! wink
I love it! So creative! And you look great!!! I love the red hair!